With what abundance the Father provides us! Just as He gives us daily bread, He also feeds our souls with the spiritual bread we need. Day by day He speaks to us through His holy Word. Day by day His voice whispers to our heart, blessing us with His presence. Day by day Christ’s sacrifice is actualised on the altars, so that the fruit of Redemption is given to human beings in the “bread of angels”. And yet, sadly, it is very true what the Father tells us in his Message:

“See how many of My creatures, who became My children through the mystery of the Redemption, are not in the pastures which I have prepared for all men through My Son. And how many others, and you know it, are still unaware of the existence of these pastures. And how many creatures of My Hands, whose existence I know of but of which you are ignorant, do not even know the Hand Which shaped them!”

Therefore, the call of our Father to lead people into the abundant pastures He has established for them, preserving them from all contamination, becomes all the more urgent. What the Church, commissioned by the Son of God, must give to mankind ought to be true nourishment. For this, a truthful doctrine, uncorrupted by error, is necessary. When we speak to people about God, we ourselves must reflect the true face of our Lord. For people to find their home in the Church, a holy liturgy is needed, which gives them a glimpse of the glory of heaven. God’s pastures are there, even if the enemy of mankind wants to desecrate them and even if those who are called to be shepherds no longer know them and have gone astray.