“I will once again cast the net of my love” (Inner Word).

In the midst of dark times, when the Church is weakened and disoriented, our Father wants to cast the net of His love once again. Just as at that time the Lord called Peter and the other disciples to be fishers of men (Mt 4:19), so He never ceases to cast the net of His love and to call us to cooperate in fishing, even in the most difficult times.

Sometimes it seems that our Father gives free rein to evil, which thinks it can celebrate triumph after triumph and subjugate all humanity. But our Father always has plans for welfare and not for evil (cf. Jer 29:11). If He allows calamity, it is only to make His work of salvation more evident. People must awaken from the sleep of false security and seek true peace, which only God can give. The Church must focus on the primary mission entrusted to her, which is the salvation of souls, to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth (Mt 5:13-14), without conforming to the spirit of this world and thus renouncing her true identity.

For our part, we are called to proclaim the Gospel in which the love of our heavenly Father is gloriously revealed. Especially when we face difficult circumstances, we must not be discouraged. We must imitate the Lord, who never gives up and never ceases to call His own to conversion and to take advantage of every circumstance that presents itself. Perhaps in times of difficulty some people become more receptive to the Gospel message because they no longer find their security in the usual. Who knows?

In any case, we must never be discouraged by difficulties. Our Father is the true hope of mankind, and the Holy Spirit is always at work to show this to people. With our eyes fixed on Him, we must do our part. If we do not lose sight of Him, we will be able to bear great fruit.