This is the truth and I am speaking in Christ, without pretence, as my conscience testifies for me in the Holy Spirit; there is great sorrow and unremitting agony in my heart: I could pray that I myself might be accursed and cut off from Christ, if this could benefit the brothers who are my own flesh and blood. Read More
Now when I came to you, brothers, I did not come with any brilliance of oratory or wise argument to announce to you the mystery of God. I was resolved that the only knowledge I would have while I was with you was knowledge of Jesus, and of him as the crucified Christ. Read More
Today when we celebrate the feast of our heavenly Father. We will just listen to the words of the Holy Scripture accompanied by Musica Sacra sung by Harpa Dei.
In the end I will present a prayer which might be like an answer we could give to the mediations we shared about the Fathers book. You are heartily invited to pray it and may be invite others to do it also!Read More
We have come to the end of the reflections on the Father’s message and I very much hope that our Father’s words and the corresponding meditations have helped to make our Father’s love for us more transparent and to invite us to give our response to his love.Read More
In today’s text of the Father Book, the heavenly Father reveals an ardent desire to which I would like to subscribe. The thirty-nine reflections related to the revelation of the Father to Sr. Eugenia have an essential goal: to find hearts in which God our Father can dwell, in which he is at home.Read More
Yesterday we reflected on true peace and freedom, which can only be realized as a gift from God and become possible in accordance with God’s commandments. The Father’s words made it clear that only within His law can we live our existence fully and not come into conflict with God and ourselves.Read More
How great is the longing for peace! But peace alone is not enough, it is about a true peace that cannot be broken immediately. Without devaluing all serious efforts for peace, there is more at stake. For like everything that is given to us human beings, true peace also comes from God. It is the same with the striving for freedom. Read More
“In order to be able to give you true happiness in this life and the life beyond, I want you to do everything that I ask of you in this light. Time is precious, use it and do not miss the love that is now so tangibly offered to your heart. I ask all of you to use Holy Mass as a means of doing so and to celebrate it according to the liturgy. This is very close to my heart…. Read More
After the ever stronger growing together of peoples the question becomes important for the church how it should deal with the non-Christian religions. It has increasingly chosen the path of dialogue with other religions. In the texts of the Second Vatican Council – which understood itself as a so-called pastoral council and therefore did not put the emphasis on the doctrinal statements – those sides of other religions were emphasized which one evaluates as positive.Read More
On July 22nd we already touched on this topic in our reflections, but we wanted to deepen this very important point once again.
It is part of a spiritually ordered life to meet the Lord and all that he has created in his love in the right way, or we could also say to give the appropriate answer. This is very important to God himself, as we can see from the following lines:Read More