A free heart

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Jn 7:40-53

Some of the crowd who had been listening said, ‘He is indeed the prophet, ‘and some said, ‘He is the Christ,’ but others said, ‘Would the Christ come from Galilee? Does not scripture say that the Christ must be descended from David and come from Bethlehem, the village where David was?’ So the people could not agree about him. Read More

Solemnity of St Joseph

Faith is reputed to us as righteousness

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Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22

For the promise to Abraham and his descendants that he should inherit the world was not through the Law, but through the uprightness of faith. That is why the promise is to faith, so that it comes as a free gift and is secure for all the descendants, not only those who rely on the Law but all those others who rely on the faith of Abraham, the ancestor of us all (as scripture says: I have made you the father of many nations). Read More

Faith and love

“If you really believed Moses you would believe me too, since it was about me that he was writing”

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Jn 5:31-47

Were I to testify on my own behalf, my testimony would not be true; but there is another witness who speaks on my behalf, and I know that his testimony is true. You sent messengers to John, and he gave his testimony to the truth-not that I depend on human testimony; no, it is for your salvation that I mention it. Read More

Jesus glorifies the Father

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Jn 5:17-30

His answer to them was, ‘My Father still goes on working, and I am at work, too.’ But that only made the Jews even more intent on killing him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he spoke of God as his own Father and so made himself God’s equal. To this Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, by himself the Son can do nothing; he can do only what he sees the Father doing: and whatever the Father does the Son does too. Read More

A time of rejoicing is coming

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Isa 65:17-21

For look, I am going to create new heavens and a new earth, and the past will not be remembered and will come no more to mind. Rather be joyful, be glad for ever at what I am creating, for look, I am creating Jerusalem to be ‘Joy’ and my people to be ‘Gladness’. I shall be joyful in Jerusalem and I shall rejoice in my people. Read More

The light came into the world

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Jn 3:14-21

As Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Read More

Faithful love is what pleases me, not sacrifice

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Hos 6:1-6

Come, let us return to Yahweh. He has rent us and he will heal us; he has struck us and he will bind up our wounds; after two days he will revive us, on the third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his presence. Let us know, let us strive to know Yahweh; that he will come is as certain as the dawn. Read More

God wants to heal infidelity

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Hos 14:1-10

Israel, come back to Yahweh your God your guilt was the cause of your downfall. Provide yourself with words and come back to Yahweh. Say to him, ‘Take all guilt away and give us what is good, instead of bulls we will dedicate to you our lips. Assyria cannot save us, we will not ride horses any more, or say, “Our God!” to our own handiwork, for you are the one in whom orphans find compassion. Read More