241st Meditation

“Let me find you always vigilant, so that I may be able to count on you at all times” (Inner Word).

Vigilance is a key concept for our spiritual life and must be applied in so many areas. Holy Scripture speaks to us countless times about it.

The broadest and most definitive perspective of watchfulness is the Return of the Lord at the End of Time; the great event to which we are heading, but of which we Christians are often not sufficiently aware. However, this perspective is decisive in knowing how to deal with the task that has been entrusted to us in this world.

Something similar happens with the awareness that we will die. If we are conscious of this, we will try to do everything in our power to face it with serenity and confidence, having “run the race to the finish” (2 Tim 4:7).

Vigilance is related to true love. We know well how awake and attentive we can become when we love someone on a human level. In today’s reflection, there is an allusion to a watchfulness that is directly at the service of our Father. We could notice in the opening words how important it is for Him to find us vigilant. He wants to count on us, on our love and our readiness to do His will and to fulfil His wishes.

It is a great honour that God addresses us in this way. He takes us very seriously and counts on our cooperation to establish His Kingdom on earth. With this request of His that we have heard today, we can set out and carefully examine what still prevents us from being vigilant. We will quickly find several points, and then it is up to us to work on them, so that we will be in a better disposition.

Let us imagine that we ourselves would have an important mission to accomplish, and would need well-disposed helpers; how grateful we would be if they were always ready to serve, and we could call upon them for support at any hour, day or night, so to speak! Or think of a good doctor, who is always available when the need calls.

And what about us, should we not always be available to our Father, since He invites us to work with Him for the salvation of people?

Lord, give us a greater love!