313th Meditation

“Better one day in your courts than a thousand at my own devices” (Ps 84:10).

How much the psalmist understood what it means to be in the nearness of God! Indeed, isn’t that so? Even if it were only one day that we could spend close to our beloved Father, how incomparable it would be in relation to all the other days when we were not near Him!

It is better to be the last in the Kingdom of Heaven than the first in this world.

“What will anyone gain by winning the whole world and forfeiting his life?” (Mt 16:26).

This reality must shine like a light in our hearts: Only God Himself can give us what truly fills our souls. We live in a delusion if we seek in people or creatures what only God can give us.

But God offers us much more than a single day in His courts. He offers us His Heart; He offers us Himself. He wants to keep nothing for Himself and to deprive us of nothing; He longs to give Himself to us with all His love, to the extent that we are able to accept it.

A single glance of His love is capable of melting our cold heart.

One glance of His love assures us: “You are mine”.

One glance of His love gives us the certainty of being His children.

One glance of His love chases away our dark thoughts.

One glance of His love is more precious than all the treasures of this world.

One glance of His love is enough to awaken us from our confusions.

One glance of His love gives us enough clarity to return home.

And this glance is always watching over us!