287th Meditation

“I have trusted in the Lord without wavering” (Ps 26:1b).

Trust in our Father makes our life upright and secure. It anchors us in His heart and makes our God inclined to show us His love in a special way.

What could be more important in these difficult times than to lift up our eyes to the Father and to be more and more sure of His love? The Lord will never ignore true trust. Certainly it must be true trust, which cannot be confused with that recklessness which pretends to abandon oneself to God, when in reality one is only interested in imposing one’s own ideas and desires.

True trust implies that the heart is totally oriented towards God and that we examine our ways before Him. If these conditions are met, the Lord will give us the spirit of strength, so that we can hold fast to Him and to the truth, come what may. Our Father will also give us the grace to persevere in times of persecution. He will encourage and strengthen us to take our place in the struggle entrusted to us, and not to abandon it.

“Do not waver! Do not give in!” -these are the cries that can be heard in an offensive war, counting on the bravery of the soldiers. But they are equally applicable to the faithful, who must hold fast to the truths of the faith. This is perhaps even more difficult than a physical battle. But here again trust in God comes into play, enabling us to resist the evil spirit of the time. It is the Father who holds everything in His hands, who knows how to turn everything for the better and in whom we are at home.

We must defend this spiritual home in Him with the right means, resisting when the storms of unbelief want to destroy it. They will not succeed! The Lord will know how to protect His Church, even if it is necessary for her to flee for a time into the desert to be safe from the dragon that persecutes her (cf. Rev 12:6).