“Give thanks with joy to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light” (Col 1:12).

When we contemplate the works of creation and the work of Redemption, our gaze is lifted to the heavenly Father and we are moved to give thanks to Him; yes, to give thanks to Him with joy, as St. Paul exhorts us.

Perhaps we sometimes find it difficult to give thanks, and even more difficult to give thanks with joy. Perhaps we think that it must be accompanied by a feeling of joy that cannot be artificially produced without appearing to be false. However, it is possible to give thanks even when our feelings are cloudy, by centering our mind and will on God.

Today’s meditation verse exhorts us to remember that it was God who gave us the grace to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. This is an immeasurable gift – regardless of our feelings – for which we can praise and thank God without end. Our spirit knows this! When we become aware of this grace, the light will penetrate the soul and give it at least a spiritual joy for so many benefits that the Father is showing us. Then it may happen that this spiritual reality also touches our feelings and awakens in them gratitude and joy.

If we notice that we still lack this attitude of gratitude and joy, and that we often forget to think of our Father, let us ask the Holy Spirit to awaken it in us. He will not hesitate to come to our aid, for it is He who reminds us of God’s works and wants us to praise Him.

A joyful gratitude to God will make our soul more and more luminous and grateful to people for all they do for us.

As St. Francis de Sales used to say: “A sad saint is a sorry saint”. And on another occasion he said: “Joy opens the heart, sadness closes it”.