In the Message to Mother Eugenia, the Father expresses a deep desire of His:

“Let My priests go fearlessly everywhere, among all nations, to bring the flame of My fatherly love to men. Then souls will be enlightened and conquered, not only among unbelievers, but in all those sects which are not of the true Church. Yes, I want these men also, who are My children, to see this flame shining before them, to know the truth, to embrace it and to put all the Christian virtues into practice.”

This flame of the Father’s love, which is to melt the ice that surrounds hearts, must spread throughout all nations and all men. They must learn that there is a Creator Who loves them immeasurably and Who wants to save them from their helplessness and from a meaningless life. This fatherly love can heal and enlighten every person who does not consciously close himself to its light. This love is capable of conquering and even penetrating hostile territory, turning enemies into brothers. It is capable of anything, as long as it is not rejected. If this happens, it remains sad at the gates of a closed heart (cf. Rev 3:20); but it never ceases to love and always continues hoping.

It is the priests – the beloved sons of the heavenly Father – who are to glorify Him in a special way, just as the Son of God whom they represent did: “I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work that you gave me to do.” (Jn 17:4).

Priests have been entrusted with the Church’s treasures of grace, the sacraments and the Word of God. Let them hasten – as the apostles and so many missionaries in their time did – and be consumed with love for the Lord and for the sheep entrusted to them. How many people are waiting for the message of salvation!

The souls of unbelievers are deprived of heavenly food, for they do not know the meadows where the true food for eternal life is to be found (cf. Jn 6:54-55). The followers of the sects are confused, for their minds have been blinded by a false light and their souls remain bound.

You priests, beloved sons of the Heavenly Father, you share in the power of the key conferred on Peter: Open to men the gates of eternal life! Tell them of the Father’s love! Make haste and do not delay!