If we want to deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father, it is important to take time to be alone with Him. Many fruits could be listed that arise from this intimacy. However, there is one reason that can be our main motivation for seeking and cultivating this silent dialogue with our Father. He Himself mentions it:


“No one can imagine the joy I experience when I am alone with a soul!” Read More

A warning for all times

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Gen 18:20-32

In these days Yahweh said, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin is so grave, that I shall go down and see whether or not their actions are at all as the outcry reaching me would suggest. Then I shall know.’ While the men left there and went to Sodom, Yahweh remained in Abraham’s presence. Abraham stepped forward and said, ‘Will you really destroy the upright with the guilty? Read More